Tuesday, November 21, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

I just finished watching "An Inconvenient Truth", an absolutely eye opening, impacting movie. Of course most of us have heard of our impact on the environment and we've heard warnings of one thing or another and always, at least in my own life, go on not thinking the problem is as great as it is. Maybe the problem is that the problem is in fact so large, that i'm we are unable to grasp just how important an issue this is. The problems we all read about on the front pages of newspapers and see illustrated in raw format on our televisions can sometimes be attributed to our lack of action or knowledge.

Of course, just for the plain fact that i'm writing this tonight, means the movie had it's intended effect. I'm scared for our future and not just my future, but the future of children growing up today and being born tomorrow.

I also am at fault. I've done my part to make things the way they are now, but i've also made my own series of changes, some personal, some legislated, but none the less, they are changes for the better. After watching this movie though, I feel there is so much more to do and so many ways for us to sacrifice just a few of our conveniences in general to improve where we'll be in just a few decades. If we avert disaster, our children may just be singing our praises rather than curse our generation when it's time for their children to grow up and life on their own. There is so much we know now that our parents never knew or didn't believe. We have no excuses anymore. You know, I used to think, "to hell with worrying about global warming, I won't be around when it becomes a true issue", but what the fuck, it is an issue today.

The film points out that global warming is possibly responsible for many of the worries we carry today from avian flu, to the katrina's of the world that cause so much devastation year after year. If you watch this movie, (and I hope everyone does) you won't even believe what scientists have discovered in the arctic and antarctic. We are on the verge of a disaster that I never though I would see in my lifetime. Just check out this before and after photo from the great white north.

Another thing...

I'm a blathering idiot. I think this caps it for me. Anything I expose myself to that is generated, created or produced to tug at your heart strings really works on me now. I can't help but swell up... I just can't help it.

Check out the movie link: http://www.climatecrisis.net/


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